Unlock Your Peak Performance

More Confidence | Increased Energy | Better Health

Are You a High Achieving Professional?

Knowing "how" to get results - more lean muscle mass and more energy - is one thing. Honestly, it's not difficult or complicated. But... Being handed a customized program tailored to your body, goals, and activities (so you can get results quickly and dependably while being personally supported on your journey) is another... Here at Active Fitness Training, we have helped hundreds of people just like you get the body, energy, results, and lifestyle they want with a proven framework. You've mastered your career. It's time to master your health! Maybe you're like so many others we've work with. Life is going well. Career is good. Projects get done on time and the profit is rolling in the door. Except their health is out of whack. We can't blame them. When the busy-ness and stress builds it's easy to overlook how we treat our body. Over time we feel slow, sluggish, and out of shape. What we really want is for our health to sync up with our professional success. That's exactly why we created The Peak Performance Game Changer Program!

Client Testimonials

Transformation before after
Matt Lost 25 lbs of Body Fat Mass in 4 Months!
Transformation before after
Lloyd Lost 12 lbs of Body Fat Mass in 2 Months!
Transformation before after
Curtis Lost 50 lbs & Placed 4th in Men's Physique Competition!
Transformation before after
Tanise Lost 12 lbs & 15+ Total Inches in 2 Months!

Get LEAN 90

DeOnte J. Durden

Founder & Performance Coach of AFT

DeOnte Jackson-Durden is a Certified Personal Trainer, Performance Enhancement Specialist, and Nutrition Coach who educates, energizes and empowers people of all walks of life to reach optimal levels of performance. He is the founder of Active Fitness Training, LLC where he focuses on 4 pillars; mindset, nutrition, movement and recovery to help serve the individual needs of a board clientele.

DeOnte J. Durden

Peak Performance Game Changer Program

Individualized Assessment

It begins with a thorough strategy session to map out your personal goals and dive deep into your dietary, metabolic, fitness, and injury histories, so that we can fully understand where you've been and where you're currently at.

Customized Nutrition Plan

We will work together to make sure your nutrition plan fits you and your lifestyle, rather than trying to fit your lifestyle into a meal plan. This means we will use a flexible approach to help you optimize your health and performance, and achieve your ideal body composition.

Customized Training Program

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Support & Accountability

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Unlimited Chat Support

Connect with me 24/7 via messaging portal.

Weekly Progress Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Unlock Your Peak Performance

More Confidence | Increased Energy | Better Health